Lost count, but a lot are interested this time! Will update later - We have 10 rooms being held as of now.
Put us down for a definate maybe, give su the dates, and I will see what we can do. We will more then likely stay at a Hilton property.Since I can stay there free. Darcy has never seen the falls. So let us know time and place.
The weekend of August 20, we are staying at the Best Western Cairn Croft, but there is a Hilton near by.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again! We willl be making our reservations this weekend... Faye & Rick :lotsofmichaelfs:
Did you all get my latest e-mail? There are still rooms available at these prices! http://www.1800hotels.com/search/hotelInfo.aspx?id=71398463&destination=Niagara+Falls%2c+Canada&date_checkIn=20&month_year_checkIn=8-2010&timeSpan=2&checkIn=20-8-2010&checkOut=22-8-2010&dest0=13240&dest1=17114&dest2=3418&dest3=-1&adultCount=2&childCount=0&infantCount=0&roomCount=1&boardTypeCode=¤cyCode=USD&occupancy=2%3a1&uuid=5d4a5596d1f9440ab473227105adb78d&gradeCode=12345#info
Maybe we can take the hotel over that weekend!! A northern TTR party!!:biggrinbandit::daveandmo::daveandmo:
count us in Lee and I are in for sure this year woody......hope i got enough left on the credit card for the deposit....lol but want to make it and hang with all you wonderful people.....we might even look at changing the dates of our trip next year to get a few more days with all you guys and girls