LOL I have lawyer clothes by day that magically turn into my teacher clothes at night (I'm an adjunct professor) and my theme song? . . . . . Van Halen's Hot for Teacher . . .but of course! LOL In a few weeks, though, I'll be wearing my school girl clothes!
we are scott and nicki and leave tomorrow morning for our first time there-)!!!!! cant wait to get there!
We're jealous and sad that you'll be gone before we get there. But you will have a great time, Just find the other people on the roll call that are there and you'll have the best party ever! Jamie
Give it a break... go back to reading June and polute some place else.... If you are afraid of Rainbow Warriors then stop reading the posts. You are getting a little tiring. Half the Board is blocking you, why not take a hint and stop looking for fights. Didn't you just post about how peaceful it was. Now you start this shit again... enough! :deadhorse: Jamie