Hey guys, start chiming in!! This thread is moving down the "Page" ladder real fast!! :icon_confused:
well if we can make it we'll be there ... we just have to wait until after our trip to see how much we can save for that weekend.
Now that some of you have completed holidays, do we have anyone firmed up yet. I have talked with Mike and Marnel from this board that we hung out with in Cabos and they may come from Saskatchewan.
I have mentioned it to quite a few people while down there, at least to those that are with in reason of driving or short flights, hopefully we can grab a few
hmm we are gonna be at Niagra Falls the end of June.. sounds like fun though.. maybe i will talk to hubby and see if we could swing it ...maybe he feels a business trip coming on in August.. hahah!!
Will be great to get a fantastic group like we just had in TTR... we're planning on booking this weekend!
We're in Niagara Falls June 4th - 8th and then Ottawa in July so I'm not sure we'd be back in your neck of the woods for an August event. It's great that you arrange for this get together annually! Kinda cool ) I see some other forum members are also planning one for out west now too:aktion033: