I always have problems with different metals, can't even tolerate silver, however haven't had any problems with gold. Some people's bodies just reject the jewlery. I would suggest gold if she is having a problem, expensive but worth it.
Nothing but the ears for the both of us. Have considered nipples but too chicken. Had a lesbian friend of mine who had her nips done but had her partner wax them 2xday for a few weeks leading up to the piercing. Supposedly it desensitized them enough to not hurt so bad.
I wish I still had my piercing. I should have never taken it out. Now it's too close to going to get anything done so I'm stuck with just my ears. :icon_sad:
Dave got one stretched today to a 6ga....................hope it wasn't too close to vacation to heal up....it didn't bleed at all
I just have my ears pierced but I can`t even wear earings to work. My wife has multiple ear piercings on each ear but that's it. Neither of us have tats either, I guess I`m not very hardcore lol.