Canadian Sherry, there are worse places to be left behind at! lol I am at TTR from the 10th to the 17th, Looking to have a great time and it appears there will be a few of us Canadians down there so i am sure it will be a great time. Can't wait, 5 more sleeps!!
By all means the plane could come back without me... just let me work in a beachside bar with free beer, food and lodging plus a little spending money. this real world stuff is highly overrated
Well me and my buddy will be there on the 18th for a week...Looks like a bunch of guys only as singles at this place, it is Cancun after all, and we are not limited to the hotel.
well since I am spending most of my time working on reports (boring) right now I wouldn't mind the change of pace lol
I like how you had to put boring in parenthesis in case I thought reports might be fun and you wanted a change of pace to something boring.
Only 5 more days and I'm there - 04/13 to 04/27 Arrive in just 5 days. Then its two weeks of paradise. Can't wait to meet new people. First time at TTR.
As long as we make it to the plane Weds morn .. its all good .. could be a a lil foggy that morn , but the weather outside is supposed to be nice!