It'll be our first anniversary too! Too bad we'll miss you guys. We'll be there the 18th - 25th. 17 more days!!!:bunny:
You probably won't have much trouble picking us out. We will be there 4/12 - 4/21 and plan to party even though we are approaching our 44th aniverersary.
11 days to go i am tanning now every day so i dont burn up out by the sexy pool all day xxxx count down has began
:aktion025:can you put us on the list , myself + nine identical sisters ... will be there from the 19th april , we are bags of fun
steve are you trying to wind us up , cheese & onion taste so much better, 2 weeks from now we will be on that plane
posted by two4funb It'll be our first anniversary too! Too bad we'll miss you guys. We'll be there the 18th - 25th. 17 more days!!!:bunny: happy anniversary guys, we have so many celebrations this year, will have to have a toast or few of the day :musik026: