Some interesting (but tragic) accounts

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by lilnottsman, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. lilnottsman

    lilnottsman Guest

    +0 / 0
    Spotted this out on the web:

    Interesting stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2010
  2. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    No disrespect to anyone who has lost a loved one.. anywhere in the world.. but this is old news.

    Families that blame Mexico for their loved one's death (rather than believe it could simply have been an accident, the result of foolish behavior, or of natural causes) and have made it their life's mission to make all of Mexico pay. (ie: a vendetta)
  3. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Cancun via PHILLY!!!
    +0 / 0
    Interesting info....I hope there is one for all other Countries as well. But in all of Q. Roo since 1/1/09 there was one Homicide of a tourist. That is great news. I am tired of making the comparison to where I came from, and this is a tired topic. But again, when it comes my personal safety here, this link reassures my thinking and confirms that what you need to be cautious of are the Ocean, Automobiles and Alcohol.

    And I agree totally with Life. People need to move on and not blame an entire Country for a misfortune that happens EVERYWHERE. All the bad that happens in Mexico, happens in every Country, Stat/Province, local boro/township/municipality that we all visited in our lives. Time to move forward!!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I agree with Life, the people behind this site have spent the last seven years on some sort of personal crusade to damage the reputation of Mexico in whatever way they can.

    Tragic accidents are always tragic, wherever they happen.
  5. sensual

    sensual Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    +11 / 0
    Accidents happen everywhere. Been to cancun 3 times never a problem.
  6. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
  7. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Cancun via PHILLY!!!
    +0 / 0
    If this family is again, BLAMING MEXICO for their son drinking too much and passing out, then stay far away. If he was beaten, it was probably by another spring breaker. What has this world come to? No common sense!!!!

    Sucks that he was beaten, or maybe fell off a wall or balcony, and I hope he recovers very quickly. But mindless comments get no sympathy from me. Call me cold, I don't care.
  8. kathy_caribe

    kathy_caribe Addict Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    While I agree with the above, Mexico seems to be changing. There was the RVer shot in his RV in Mazatlan, the ambush with many high-powered rifles interrupted (without incident but scary for those involved) by 3 RVers around Celestino and most recently 2 or 4 (can't remember) separate rigs (that would be a tow vehicle and 5th wheel or trailer - like a semi-remolque) jacked at gunpoint north of Ciudad Victoria in 2 separate incidents.

    I cannot remember, in the past 5 years, anything like this happening with the frequency and geographic range that it is happening now.

    The times, they seem to be a'changin.
  9. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    I don't think any of us will say Mexico (or any other place) is completely safe for anyone, especially with the ongoing "drug war" (although by some reports the homicide rate is actually down overall in Mexico) but as I've said before given the level of personal excesses and lack of restraint that some tourists demonstrate while visiting, its incredible that there are not much higher instances of death here.

    I would be curious to see how Cancun (and area) compares to popular US Spring Break destinations when it comes to deaths and injuries, my suspicion is the numbers will say its much "safer" here... (not to mention you're far less likely to end up in jail for "acting a fool")

    As for the most recent example posted by Jim (with the limited details) it sounds like a balcony fall or similar given the head injury. On a related note, I wish these big hotels would install more security cameras in common areas so that they can prevent wild accusations with footage of exactly what happens.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2010
  10. mrbear

    mrbear Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    taxco gro Mexico
    +0 / 0
    danger on the freeway,

    Wow, and I thought the Mexican newspaper Alarma! Was bad. What a bummer, if I could start a blog about how many people die in Los Angeles on way to work, on the 405 freeway, in vehicle accidents, I would run out of ink within a week. The fact is crime is escalating all over the world in the States, there are about 30 thousand gun deaths a year, with places like Detroit, Chicago and Los Ageless leading the way. There is talk in Sacramento that they will release thousands of inmates in California, in order to deal with the state’s financial crisis. Talk about a crime wave waiting to happen. Thousands of imamates in a depressed economy, with no jobs what else will they do to feed themselves, but resort to crime.
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