it looks like fun especially when the beer muscles kick in haha and I have the courage to do only fear is on the few times when you hit the water hard on the dismount shorts would come flying off and there i am .....full moon arising lol
With all my "beer muscle" I'm supprised the god damn thing could lift me LOL You gotta try it !!Its at the end of the trip so your drunk enuff you have no fear ha ha sure ill give it a go...ive seen a bunch of times, either from shore watching some boats do it or on some of the videos and ive always said it looks fun
lol...i tried it a few years ago....and it only lifted me about 15 feet above the water..then the guy yells "to moss burritos"!!! hehe
we will hold the camera jim and take the pics, so as keep the moment for posterity, it was a laugh, sue said u are not doing that, you have drunk to much, next thing i know i was up there,lol.
woody it will lift you , not sure about the re-entry though think of all the kisses of life you would get from all the ladies though