Hey Rob, I read about your prayer last night and still chuckling over it! Honestly, some of your posts really make me laugh...the ones that don't I don't understand!:ladiesman1: This one, though, almost made me wet (and not in a good way!) To all you guys who take the time to write such entertaining stuff- Rob, Dos, Backs, Danny-love ya all!:sunny:
While I know a lot of people are sick of this topic it is important. With those on the pro side and those on the con side battling back and forth it's allowing us to (hopefully) come to some kind of consensus about what is acceptable. If only our politicians could compromise *LOL* I really hope that TR is lurking in this forum to see what topics are hot for their repeaters.
I have to tell you this thread and the improvments thread almost kept us away from TTR. While we're not swingers...we are spending a few days at Desire to check them out because they are camera free............and things at Desire ARE significantly more open than at TTR.........so we'll see what's best for us. I agree that people could be much more "free" if there weren't so many cameras
Guys guys guys Please people could be more "free" to be themselves if it were not for a few idiots - has zero to do with cameras - cameras ain't the problem!!!!! a handful of Idiots who don't know how to use them are the problem
I have to agree with the above quote...and I will add this. If I take a picture and someone does not like it...All they have to do is ask me to delete it. I will do it for them right there on the spot. I think most of us can tell who the pervs are and who is documenting the fun they were having while away. Now, if you decide you need to ask by being a tough guy....I'll still delete it for you and ask you leave while I'm still smiling. No need to be a tough guy first...Ask nice...if they don't comply...then your assumption they are a perv are probably warranted. I have been documenting our vacations for over 25 years. I'm not about to stop now. I'm a professional Photog...It's in my blood. :ladiesman1::3some:
I'm for anything that would increase more toplessness.... LasVegas is the biggest tourist destination in the world, yet there is no documentation of anyone gambling in a casino ever, security will stop you immediately..... People still vacation there often, often, often...
for goodness sakes you're an agumentative F! LOL OK....it isn't the camera per se....it's the camera in the hands of an idiot/perv......
Photographing your vacation is fine with me. Photographing my vacation is NOT! How can you not get that? We'd ask you once.........just once.
this argument is silly and circular in my opinion. I may just start taking pictures that put people just out of frame (for example take a picture of a tree over the shoulder of someone), so I get accosted for my camera. When they ask to see the pictures I will show them the pictures of said plants, or chairs or what not just for the reaction lol