I,m hearing ya guys, I,m sure you can pull off a few more when you arrive, I have been lobbying as much as possible too.
We're right there with you beating the booze cruise drum...my guess is Lovinit can sell snow to eskimos so I'm confident we'll be ok it's gonna be a patrty to remember! :lotsofmichaelfs:
O.K. all, plan "B" I have a 3 person inflatable boat that the kids play with in the pool. I will try and pack it and we will have a booze cruise regardless of the numbers!!! We will have to get stinky drunk before we leave as there will be no room for booze. bikini,s are definatly out of the qeustion as that adds weight. It may not be a 52' Catamaran but by Jesus it will have to do.....
I'm 'bout ready to give em the "Herb Brooks" miracle speech..."You were born to go on a booze cruise, if you don't go, you'll look back and regret it for the rest of your lives"...:usa1:
There we go...and if all goes as planned we may have to make a friendly UW vs UK bet (and find a place to watch Thursday)!...Come on Canadian girls, you can put us over the top!
Ok, time to make a decision. We have 21 confirmed and 3 possibles who havent said for sure yet. We'll go ahead and trust that everyone shows up. I'm hoping you'll be able to recruit a few more friends along and that the provisionals confirm too. Earlier this week we had 27 people listed as confirmed and only 18 of those actually showed up on the day. There were 3 extra recruits so we went ahead with 21 people which really is still too low. If on the day we have a significant amount of no shows then we will cancel it on the day. So you owe it to everyone coming along to show up and ensure this cruise goes ahead. Confirmed: (21) ABTM101 (Tim and Ann) (2) Danaandcat (Dana and Cat) (2) Luvinit (Ken and Audi) (2) Saskd & J (Don and Jeanine (2) Maxxedout (2) Bushrabbit (2) Workhardplayhard (Brian, Deb, Paul and Joy)(4) Roll2 (Roland) (1?) Beast (2) MrsBud (2) Still to confirm (3) JohnMoz (1) Grace Amazing and Sexy Medic (2)