ty it's hard not to enjoy urself ... my 3rd time can't wait to see old friends and make some great new ones!!!
Jamie, We have to cancel our trip to TTR scheduled for May 7 to 14th, priorities had to change. But hope to reschedule for Sept. Keeping our fingers crossed. Thanks for handling the rollcall so great! Dan & Jul
Hi Jamie, Can you please change our dates to arriving May 17th to May 22nd, had to change to fit in with our other weeks. Thanks
Tease to please your coming. your going, your comin,your going............lol Guess we won't get a chance to meet your two now. Still going with a good group though so have fun.
Question for you: We are booked (hotel only) through apple vacations to arrive on Saturday the 15th. Now, we have to arrive on the 16th (air wasn't booked yet so no prob there) Here is the problem: If I cancel with Apple and rebook a day later, we lose $90 ($45 cancellation pp) and,more importantly, the roooms are about $100 more expensive per night!!! What do you think would happen if we called Temptation on Saturday and say ,"We missed our flight, be in tomorrow...." Would we still have a bed? should we do this directly with TTR or go through the travel agent apple assigned us? UUggghhh Thanks in advance.
Checked the TTR website and it appears that the rates went up quite a bit. We booked in January and our week is about $500 more now than what we paid. I would try contating the resort direct. See what they are willing to do for you.
Hi Jess and Paul, we were at first booked through our exchange company RCI as a rental week, but found a better rate with GTA Hotels $114 per night per room alot cheaper than say skoosh, expedia or TTR. We booked this rate only last week "and by the looks of if" just as well. Hope you have some luck with the above