I have not been on her for some time, but I know I read a thread a year or so ago that talked about what folks do to prepare themselves so that they don't get the "upset stomach" while vacationing. Some of the things talked about eating lots of yogurt and taking peptobismol (is that how you spell that??) tablets in the monthes or weeks leading up to the trip. Anyone care to share any of these ideas with me??
don't use tap water for anything....................bring immodium..........yogurt is good....activia is my fav.....anything that's pro-biotic. nothing will stop montezuma if you see him in the bathroom......but immodium will slow him down a little
Thanks guys! This has never been a problem for me and I have drank tap water at the resort without any problem, but Ryan had BAD stomach problems when we were there last. He did the immodium. I KNOW I read a thread on here about things people do to prepare before they go. I am so hoping those of you who posted on it before will return and share your secrets again!
Start eating yogurt several weeks before u go...It has something to do with the live culture in the yogurt!
the water at the resort and the ice are all purfied-- do not taste the greatest but safe to drink (and shower in). off the resort make sure YOU CRACK the seal on bottled water. the ice (in the drinks) in the clubs also is safe and purfied.
There is a new oral vaccine against E.Coli called Dukoral. You can get it by prescription or over the counter but it's pricey...close to $100 Canadian. You take one tablet 2 weeks before, and the second one a week before. We opted not to bother, but just be careful...and had no trouble at all.
Stay hydrated. Drink lots of bottled water, ice water, eat the ice in your drinks...............anything to avoid dehydration. They do have yogurt in the buffet. Also be sure to eat half or a whole banana every day.
Is this it? http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/14031-all-day-drinking-training.html
The tap water at TTR is supposedly purified, but why take the chance. We use bottled water for drinking and brushing our teeth. We didn't have any problems with the ice used for drinks.....and we drank a lot of it...lol. We had a friend come down with the dreaded "Montezuma's Revenge" just allowing water to run into his open mouth and then spitting it out while showering at Desire a few years ago. He was pretty sure that was the cause anyway. He brushed his teeth with bottled water and only drank coffee, bottled fruit juices and beer while he was there. He was in rough shape for two full days. Not the way to spend a vacation!