Loosers and their cameras

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Sundance, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    +49 / 2
    I just looked at those links and i guess if you're a teacher dont go to Temptation
  2. backs13

    backs13 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Glad to hear that the water volleyball season is back in action, last I saw, was the picture of the snow covered pool lol... and yes indeed the main ingredients for any pool party is good tunes, good beverages and Im a firm believer in a good Grill lol.....Im sure this thread will be ongoing through out the summer, with back and forth arguements so you wont miss much, since im sure the first 300 posts didnt cover everything, there will more to come hahaha....enjoy the speaker wire and cold beverages buddy
  3. tfordy

    tfordy Regular Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2009
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    Wow, I am shocked that pictures have turned up.....and actually got back to the people that they were taken of.....but i would wonder the context. I guess I am just wondering 1) was the person searching on perv sites? 2) was it that someone you knew took a picture of you and you were exposed and they were irresponsible about posting it? I am just thinking out loud, but if a friend was surfing the internet and looked up TR, and saw me in a picture.....then I wouldnt be ashamed because that person was looking up TR......and if someone I knew saw a picture of me on a perv site and said hey....found this picture of you....i would be asking...um, what were you doing on this site? So just curious as to how you guys found out that there were picts of you floating around.
  4. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    stands to reason dan

    or make sure the guy next to you is not an expert with photo shop

    these days people that are really good with that can make it look 100 percent authentic

    if somebody ever took one of me naked - i would just say..........

    "dude thats photshop shit ............my oscar is ten times bigger than that - even on a cold winter morning"

    cmon man -

  5. Nudeduo

    Nudeduo Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2010
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    I will back you up on this!. It is rude and stupid to take pictures of someone without permission. I better not see it on my trip in a couple weeks.
  6. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    1) could have been searching perv sites as most guys do

    i mean honestly every straight guy looks at perv sites............or likes.........at the very least............the site of a naked woman - if they say they dont............then its really all very simple to determine who they are as people....

    either (a) they are liars (b) they are gay

    - pretty much the way it is

    well let me at the very least say this......if he does not fit in any of the above categories then he is certainly a "freak" of nature ...............and they need to put his ass in a musuem


    again my guess is he did find it on a perv site (again not that there is anything wrong with pervs - lets be considerate and sensitive here - perverts have feelings too - just because they dont wear rainbows and throw parades does not make them less people)

    2) i was probably irresponsible about posting it somewhere as it was a picture i had taken - mom and dad always said i was irresponsible about things and this is more than likely just a carry over of sorts from my youth - but thats a whole nutha story and i aint about to trash mom and dad today

    its all good though - T has a great rack for an old chick (ive seen younger hos with worse) and im as proud of that smokin hot rack as i am of my 1994 chevy s-10

    somebody else got to see my "porsche" - wooooopie for them - damn pervs :)

    the best

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  7. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    You know what, I get being upset about singleing out singles is wrong and I get how people don't want freedoms taken away with bans but this side of the arguement makes absolutely ZERO sense to me.

    Are you saying what we experienced last week shouldn't matter?
    A) because you only saw 1 incident in 4 years?
    B) because people are half naked?
    c) pics are going to happen and we can do nothing about?

    I disagree with all of the above very strongly and I will tell you why instead of attacking the other position by saying go to Disney (which we are doing in a month by the way. We like both places a ton!!!)

    a) my experiences written on the page are 100% fact. Maybe you only saw one because you are not as exposed and out there. We had a blast and partied it up and we 100% will be back. However, people who have not been have a right to know this is reality.
    B) so if I am half naked it is free reign? I think 99% of the people on here will disagree with that. The debate really should be about what, if anything, can be done to minimize or discourage the behavior
    c) see my post on the top of theprevious page (page 8?). We can try to do something about it. And the resort can help if enough people speak up. Again I am not saying take away cameras but deter the behavior.

    End result we will be back and do it all again. But I see nothing wrong with trying to fix a problem and topping this years trip with next years. That will be hard to do since this was one of the best weeks of our lives!

    Thanks for listening!
  8. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    All i meant is that pictures are gonna be taken no matter. My gf last year was topless the whole week and lots of pics were taken of her. Now im a big guy, but im not gonna start something w everyone taking pics of her. Now if guys start groping her thats a different story. TTR dont care about these issues. resort is full capacity most of the time so why would they make an effort for something that doesnt affect them?
  9. backs13

    backs13 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Rhinebeck, New York
    +16 / 1
    I think almost everyone that has been there would agree with you and would read what you wrote and understand it...
    I think were the arguement on this thread comes in , is when people pop on here that have never been there and act like they are going to kill people that take pictures, or act like there is a papparazi gang around pool just waiting to take your picture,

    No one wants anyones vacation to be ruined, it just drives me nuts when people come on to a "Temptations Forum" and give every reason why they wont be there or changed their mind because of the cameras and act like just because they are at an adults only resort, that for some reason they are allowed special privacy and priveledges, they make resorts for that, they make resorts that have camera bans, they make resorts for full nudity with no cameras.... some people just act like they should be gods gift to Temptations ....
    I agree with what you posted on both page 7 and 8... and i think most people on here would...
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  10. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    my boy jim

    said in a few small paragraphs what i have been tryiong to say for fifty posts

    nicely done and so accurate!!!

    lets close the curtains and shut er down

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