I don't hear anyone denying it is a problem, just disagreements on how big, whether you care a lot or little and how to handle it, if at all. So brainstorming solution time. Feel free to disagree, add, modify, etc. My thought is best option is to have a couple signs that explain a policy and that policy being something like... Be respectful with your camera. Ask first. Camera use is to the discretion of the resort and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerrated! then have 1 person on staff that primarily works off tips who hangs around at lingerie night and prime time pool events and who can politely ask those crossing the line to cool it. Also guests who think someone is crossing the line (like creepy surfer dude) can ask for assistance. Now I sure would tip this guy enough money daily to make this a profitable position that would not cost the resort much money. What is min wage in Mexico? The person would need to be trained how to politely ask and really simply serve as a deterrent along with the signs. He would not take any cameras or have any authority to do anything except ask nicely. He is not the camera police. He is not taking away any freedoms. He is only approaching people in the most obvious situations. So he would not approach groups taking those memory pics we all love. This guy (or girl as that may even work better) would obviously be able to tell the difference. After all they would be the respectful camera experts. So I already plan on going to the Temptation web site and making this recommendation and I wish I did the same thing on the form upon departure. Would love it if others did too but understand that some likely won't agree. I will hold off on doing so in case someone finds holes in this that I didn't think of or can make it better. Please understand that we think this is a big enough of a problem that we just want to try to make it better and we DONT want to take away freedoms or soften the resort. I actually think this would either increase the crazyness or have zero effect. Either way it is worth trying.
Sure thing smartass. I think you are missing the bigger picture here. But I'll be sure to take your advice into consideration Mr. Cummins.
im just saying to take such a fatalisitic approach to taking a vacation to a resort based upon a thread is simply pure ignorance Iive been 7 times and had a bigger problem with people taking pictures at a local bar......... get real here people any place you go ON VACATION or NOT people are going to be taking pictures to read a thread and go "OMG holy @#$%" "im going to piss and moan and cry for an hour cause i cant go now as soembody might take a pic of my dear precious little baby doll wfiey pooh and here cute little puppies............. amazing but quite honestly you probably are correct - may not be the place for you - might want to lock up the house and never come out either as cameras and people with cameras are...........................shhhhhhhhhhhhh............its a secret EVERYWHERE YOU GO rob
i hear ya jim i saw the other day where there was someone taking pictures of women underskirts in a church ......................maybe we need to ban cameras in church too
actually i agree with you 100 percent why? it is an effort to keep people from being disrespectful - and that is always a good thing in my book
Masada, this discussion makes it sound worse than it is. If you feel uncomfortable a quick complaint to Chinos or the other entertainment staff will usually get great results. 98% of the people at TR are respectful of everyone else. 2% of the people are A$$Hats that need their camera's pitched into the ocean. We've been there 3 times and May will be our 4th. It's not that bad. Really. We're all private people and no one want's their picture on the internet. There are tons of people from conservative areas and jobs that go. Not to worry at all.
We R heading to TTR for R 8th trip in three years. I can honestly say we have never had a camera problem with Quote " Perv's ,creeps,singles, creepy singles,creepy perv's, etc." unQuote. And If U have ever seen my wife wife around the the pool, lingerie nite, dancing in nice shoes ,R even at the bar, see gets alot of attention. Not to discount the bad experience that some of u have had. For u I feel bad & I would B pissed also.But to the rest of U I'm telling U that it is some isolated cases that could happen at the lake in your home state. We could all stay home because we R worried about earthquakes, but thats not going to happen. So go to TTR don't worry about the camera deal & have the time of your lifes. Let it go