That sounds exactly right for Oasis. I've been to many many hotels (probably 100+), besides Hard Rock on Rehab sundays, Oasis is the only hotel I have seen that absolutely won't let people checkin till a certain time. Even at Hard Rock, they'd call you as soon as a room free up instead of holding everyone till a certain time. Though maybe they are just so ridiculously busy with the weekend turnover during spring break that it's easier for them to enforce the time instead of having a billion people coming up every minute to ask if their room is ready. Since you get there in the middle of the week when they are not as busy, maybe they will let you check in earlier. I really hate leaving my luggage with other people.
Yea, it is rediculous, but whatever. I am definetly not leaving my bags with them, no trust there, but I am only bringing a carryon bag for the whole week so it's no biggie to carry it around and go sit down on the beach for a couple hours (and start drinking woo!) I'm hoping mid-week they will be nice and it won't be too crazy. Plus most people's spring breaks don't start til Friday or Saturday I think! Although I only really know about the New England colleges... not sure what goes on over the rest of the U.S. (and other countries for that matter). P.S. I just noticed this icon: :aktion031: haha its hylarious!
Henry! did you merge another thread with this one and screw up the post order? Fletch, tutor the boy please.
I merged the threads (I'm trying to minimze the number of threads because we are starting to get really busy here and some threads are getting buried to the second page because of all the random misc threads). The posts are ordered chronologically. They are combined, not screwed up.
he is correct, when merging posts, they go chronologically, regardless of which posts came from which thread. It's quite confusing, but it does the job haha
Haha theres a whole world of emoticons out there... I tend not to bother with them but they are quite fun. :ladiesman1: leads to :3some: hahaha. Okay I'm done.