What? That line makes no sense... if someone said that to be I would probably walk away... or not party with them. I'd go a different route if I were you Have fun...
hahahah burn! I think I'm gonna stay away from "lines" when I'm sober. When I'm drunk, who knows what I'll say.
Hah no burn intended, just trying to help out with the "hitting on girls" skills. Haha... a drunk mouth speaks a sober mind. When do you actually plan on being sober during vacation??? That's simply unacceptable.
gotta admit, i totally love this girls attitude!!!!! woooooooooo!!!!! (notice how im woooooing a lot lately? lol)
Hahahhahahha. That's an awesome definition for "sober". Should submit it to urban dictionary! Hah thanks!!!! It's cause you're getting so close! Woooo away girl, woooo away!