cya there , yes is the answer, all newbies have to volunteer for bartender duties and be willing to take the iced water when we loose at tequilla volleyball , did i mention to everyone that i sick to death of losing now, must be some 6ft plus guys or girls out there that can knock that damn ball over a net
u guys take care as well, dont know about slowing it down, but we have lost a few hours by snapping down a few
Originally Posted by suedave do i have to admit it , u know we cant wait to see you both again, talking of your blow-jobs bev, looks like u r struggling to get your mouth around these , both me and ed and chris would find that hard to believe, lol. btw, is derek changing the lightbulb in the background, such a handy guy to have around
u know it woody , hope you and sue are both keeping ok, u will have to bring that list with you, so many people now, have lost count now when everyone arrives, at this rate we might be on the hammocks on the beach
LMAO!!!! That's all?!?!?! you better catch me early then!!! Because i'm going to have my drink on!! hehehe We love playing pool vollyball. We played it alot at Hedo. I'm (wifey) am 5'4" so im a shrimp so when im out front, im an easy target!! LOL I play hard though! :xyxthumbs::aktion070:
as jim quoted on the other april thread, we cant allow all our secrets out dont worry we rise early, until the jetlag goes away, we play it, but very badly, but have you played it naked with the crew chucking tequilla down your throats , just for some little mistake see you guys soon. if you play hard though u can be on our team
woody, that is landa, not sure if she and tony are going to make it this year, she certainly has a good action unlike some we can mention, lol, i never missed my chance beverly