The post above is the best reply I've seen on this topic!:icon_lol: And I totally agree. I go on vacation to relax and enjoy. The last place I personally want to be is in the midst of a drunken brawl turning ugly...
woah.. don't get the quiet pool people pissed off at you for sending the pervs their way.. *L* Jeff & Deb, there are some places in both US and Canada that are extremely conservative so I can understand why people worry about where pics are going to end up. We don't worry too much but know some that do. Hell, us2933 commented how their pics on fotoki that they posted were reused without permission (if I read that right). The best way to curb it is to control it.
I try to stay out of this debate but I cant resist anymore. This one drove me over the edge. I try to stay away but they keep pulling me back in Can you really not understand why someone would not want their picture posted on the internet? It has nothing to do with thinking you are so 'special' that people are going to be searching specifically for your picture. That is an incorrect assumption. Sadly, whether you or I agree with it or not, society has different opinions on what is right and wrong. The wrong picture on the internet can ruin careers and relationships. No matter how small the chance is that it occurs does not matter. There is nothing wrong with doing your best to minimize the chance. That assumption is as bad as saying singles and guys are the problem or saying we must ban all cameras. The statement... well dont take off your top off if you are ashamed of your behavior, shows you dont understand the other side of the debate. I think everyone should do whatever they want to do with their top, bring as many cameras as you want, take as many pictures of the good times as you want and have a blast. However, when that rare person decides to specifically target unknown topless wives/gfs without permission then we (the camera control police ) reserve the right to react. How to react is clearly debatable. (My choice is ask nicely but if they refuse then take their pic and post their mug all over the internet) It is not about being ashamed or thinking we are special. It is about having a great time while at the same time minimizing the chance that the great time will come back to bite us in the ass later. 5 days till party time :lotsofmichaelfs:
If People are really extremely conservative why would they go to Temptations? And if they are that conservative why would they dare removing their top?:icon_redface:
We may be beating a dead horse here, but we encourage newbies to join this website and they have questions. It maybe repetative, but that is what this website is for. To inform. Me personally, I don't really care if someone takes a pic of my wife's tahtahs, but it is those who are blantly putting a camera in between my wife's boobs that pisses me off. And believe me, they are there.
That is the crux of the communication gap. The people going are not conservative at all. Their friends, family and coworkers may be! And even though the chance is small. Why not do your best to minimize the risk?
You're really not understanding what I'm saying. I may not be conservative but I know people who are extremely conservative. Jen&Kyle just said it better than I did but see if you can follow this. People that go to Temptations come from all kinds of backgrounds and have various reasons for either being open or quiet about their trip. Some are just couples that want an adults only vacation away from kids. Some are swayers that like to flirt. Some are hardcore swingers. Most are somewhere in between. Some are liberal left, some are conservative right but most are somewhere in between. Some tell their family and friends openly what goes on at Temptations and some people make up a story about being at another resort. Some are afraid their bosses will find out and some really could care less. The bottom line here is that there are a million and 1 reasons why people have the right to go on vacation and let loose without having to worry about someone (single or married) taking unwanted pics of them.
I don't have the time to fully comment as I would like, because they are still people that don't understand the benefit of RESTRICTED camera use (nobody is saying camera ban). Those that think that everybody has the right to take pics of anybody at anytime....Why do you password protect your albums? If your not embarrassed and don't care what people think, then why restrict access? You know the answer. You don't want the whole world to see, just your friends. This is the same answer that we have, we just want our friends to see, not the whole world, where it can follow you back to your job, you local PTA or to your more conservative family members. If strangers are taking pics of you, those pics can end up anywhere. Once again, BBG had restricted camera use and the entertainment staff policed unsolicited pics and it worked great. The games had much more participation and were wilder than they are now. Marsh
Ian I think you hit the nail on the head, thats why this topic gets so in depth, there are people from all walks of life that go there to have fun, I mean none of us would even be arguing this point if it was a shitty resort or someplace that is not fun for each of, thats what makes this website and this resort great, it fits everyone, you may be on the left of it or the right of it, but you fit in..... You could say make it a couples resort, but then some couples would even say dont do that, you could ban cameras and people wouldnt like that either.... like I said earlier, I think everyone makes valid points on both sides....the camera debate is more of a moral issue, I am positive that even someone that says they dont care about getting their pictures taken, would still step up and help someone out thats being harassed by a pervert and not say to them " well its your fault your ta ta's are out" there is a certain amount of risk everyone has to accept when you choose an adults only , topless resort...not everyone going just walked off the morals bus, some perverts will pick this resort just cuz its a Ta Ta buffet......but its all of our jobs who like this place and the people we meet, to make the risk vs reward, more of a reward vs risk, and help everyone have a great time...after all , its the people we meet here that make this place what it is, its not the fancy wood work or the golden toiletries for god bottom line should be, everyone has different morals, thats why theres still strip clubs and monestaries.... that doesnt mean im going to hand a nun a dollar and give her the turn around sign or walk in to a strip club and start preaching to them about what they do, different strokes for different folks.....but while were at this resort , i say in order to get the most of everyones vacation we help each other out and watch each others back, and damn it if we all do that, then that means we have all met and are hanging out and anyone taking pictures will most likely have permission then.... Cheers