Upon arrival at the hotel after checking in what is the first thing you do? Go to the sexy pool and find a spot at the pool bar? Find an available longe chair at the beach or quiet pool? (since there would be zero available at 1pm at the sexy pool) Your significant other? Go to walmart and stock up on supplies? (for me that would be vodka, red bull, etc) Or ? We arrive next Wednesday at approximately 1pm.
Blow the dust bikini and take her for a spin at the sexy pool. (that would be HER wearing the bikini, not you) Marsh
Have a "siesta" (if the room is ready...) Then hit the sexy pool bar for a drink. But the quality time with the old man comes first. :aktion025:
Look for our faces and say hello and we will do a shot and introduce you to everyone. Make sure you have the vodka and red bull!
Get the safe done and change into bikini and go party........send hubby to wallmart cause it sucks...........party make friends........introduce to hubby when he gets back. lol
I have not had tequila since my Penn State fraternity days. Too many regrets after tequila. I think after a 13 year break it may be time to try again.