Thank you for understanding some of my points and I am one of the guys that no one would ever have to worry about .... but the quote up there... isnt that like a smoker going to a restaurant that allows smoking, then getting run out by the non smoker and refusing to eat elsewhere....if that makes any sense.. Again, I think we fully agree on 90 percent and thats what makes this topic so touchy...I would never want to ruin someones vacation or good time, but if someones idea of fun is walking down memory lane, then that is their choice and freedom until the resort says no cameras allowed , which i do think would be a mistake.... Again, I agree with you on a lot of things and I dont mean to sound arguementative. Its just a subject that will last forever and have points on both sides...
I agree with you. To say that everyone that has a camera is a perv makes as much sense as saying everyone that "takes a look across the pool at a topless female is a perv". It's funny how some of the same people critical of cameras have and still do post pics on this site. Sure, let's ban all cameras because everyone taking a pic is a perv. At the same time we can ban all single men because they are just pervs. Also lets ban anyone seen looking at another man's wife because they are pervs too. Where do we draw the line? I went to BBG too, and I have the pictures to prove it. We always bring our camera and take lots of pics. Great memories with lots of great friends. We don't want our picture to end up on the internet either, but we knowingly put ourselves in the situation and we know it could happen. If it were something we couldn't deal with we would find somewhere else to go. Wish we all could find a great resort with a great atmosphere that we like and demand they change the rules for everyone just to accommodate a few. We see more people with cameras than without.
Yes, we mostly agree. Bottom line. Your position is no one should come to TTR and take their top off unless they want their topless pic posted on the internet. There is no denying that, since you want cameras allowed, and there is no way to police where the pics go. My position is that one should be able to let loose at an adult resort without the fear that family, coworkers, and friends know everything that they did. We'll just have to disagree on that part.
with all this anti-pervert talk, I guess I`m going to leave my trench coat at home......with my camera!!:aetsch004:
Hey, I'm not trying to run down pervs. I like to think I'm one of the best at times. As long as a discussion can stay fun, it's all good.
I think thats pushing it a little too far, I dont mean that all, im just saying theres risk with a lot of things ... This entire topic is like saying ..dont go to NYC city cuz you might get mugged, yeah it happens but its the same odd of being struck by lightning, ive been to TTR a ton of times with woman, girlfriends, couples, ive never seen them on the internet, yes im sure it has happened, but to have it so mentally impact your vacation cuz you see a guy with a camera and assume its aimed at you and that he is heading right back to his room to download it to youtube , is a bit much.... Im saying theres risk with every thing... theres a risk of me getting carpal tunnel typing all this, but i dont let that idea ruin my responces haha
Nicely said. On a side note I have made the internet (this site acutally) I understand it's a chance I take to have fun at this resort.
I really find this interesting, much like the cruise boards were there is a never ending debate on tips being added to your bill. Two sides that are very set in their belief trying to convince the other side that their's is wrong. In this case I'm for cameras here why. 1-The real preverts are going to take pictures anyway, they will use a large zoom, hide a camera under a blanket etc. Anyone who is going to spend a couple of grand to go some place and take pictures is going to find a way. 2-If it's prohibited it just add's to their fun. 3-If you are that concerned go someplace that prohibits cameras or 4-Wear a wig and a pair of sunglasses or your top. We have greatly enjoyed reviewing the pictures we took and not being able to have taken any pictures would be a great loss. Could some of the inside evening events have no camera's, sure but trying to ban them at the pool just doesn't make sense. "When cameras are preverted only perverts will have cameras"