B & C Quote: You never know we may be able to be persuaded lol. You'd better come, we've been waitingover a year to get you pair on the open seas plus you have to wear your special t-shirt on that day (before you get naked on the boat) ha ha xxx
les/lynfa feel pretty confident that both lisa/pops and stephen/kendra will be making the trip as well just need to see if i can track down tequila/hurricane ken so he can get us all in line - im pretty much party planning out - after two months non stop super bowl party shit ken where are you ??? party planning pointers for "swingers swayers & mongamators" i need you to arrange the following: a) big blue dick (only dick i want to see the entire trip) b) hot naked chicks on a boat :bootyshake: c) topless chicks in the pool :flash: d) chicks dancing naked in bars and doing body shots :69: (e) chicks with toys in jacuzzi :3some: (f) chicks with chicks and me in the middle :ladiesman1: (g) good party music with chicks dancing (we dont need know stinkin ping pang shit) :musik026: hope this helps - do this type of party and all will have a great time im counting on you
that's brilliant - we didn't get Stephen & Kendras e-mail last time so we haven't been able to stalk them down lol
les/lynfa here they are. another great example of a couple of awesome people we have met at Temptation who become our great friends as we like to say "what happens in cancun.....happens pretty much every weekend at our house" me and t with stepehen and kendra from last weeks "krewe de derriere saggy bande mardi gras inspired ho friendly super bowl party"
oooh it will be just like September all over again - brilliant - now Rob... will you stay up past 7.30pm this time :bootyshake:
you guys would have been so proud of me - i got back to my old ways this past weekend by staying up til 300 a.m. monday morning - outlasting tmac, kat, hillbilly and april showers - only poppy beat me i think i may be back if not......... ill let you guys keep t for the evening - just make sure i get a good video rob