Hell Todd, We only need your's, Ed's and My Susie don't we?? All newbies are more than welcome tho!:flash::flash:
GOOD & EVIL CAN CO-EXIST !!In Fact everyone at TTR gets along thats what we love about the place.....
Good and Evil can and do co-exist (even in the same person!!).. Ed- maybe you'll meet Joyce's evil twin Julie this year :icon_mrgreen::angel2::cool014:
While I do seem to have the "gift" of bringing out the "evil" side of women I find it hard to believe Joyce is anything but sweet......For the record I didn't bring it out in Bev she was already evil ha ha
I am confused are we doing meeting the 16th at Patty O's on the 16 th and shooting for Steve's Booze cruise on 18th or Patty O's on 18 an no Booze cruise??? and YES another Susan here!!!!
I counted you Susan !!! Not sure on booze cruise our new social director (WoodY) doesn't seem as focused as last years director(Chet) LOL Pls. clarify Woodman whats the plan ??
Steve won't commit til a month and a half ahead of time Eddie!! Gimmie a break, ya OLD FART!!:bowdown::ass::angel2: