We have been wondering this for some time now ...the first time you as a couple swung..swang...swinged (Im not sure the correct term ...) How uncomfortable was it for the females and was it a closed door session or was it in same room more so "group oriented" It would seem to me the ladies would be very concerned about their partner not comming home for dinner aftewards Just curious for no particular reason ...really Steve and Connie
It takes a VERY strong person AND couple to swing. Every one of us who do it, have our own opinions and feelings about same room or separate room. If your partner is worried you may not be coming home for dinner, DONT do it. Youre not ready. That is our opinion. I think others would agree. Some people get turned on seeing their partner having a good time and being/giving pleasure(d). At the end of the day, its about sex, the strange, the tabu. If youre hung up about someone being bigger or better or more attractive, its probably not time for you to delve into that venture...
Well said Bill and Mindi We are absolute soul mates in life and couldnt love each other more...But any way we look at it seems like a huge step for the ladies of the relationship. I am a firm believer there is " Making Love" and then there is just plain sex and both have their place and time. Steve
You just have to remember, and as I said earlier, (AND, Im sure EVERY swinger would agree) the women are BOSS in that situation. NO ifs ands or buts about it...its a huge step for BOTH. And to be honest, we have seen a few couples have a hard time with it, first and second hand, the MEN seem to deal with it worse...
Baby steps. Keep pushing the envelope a little and see what you are comfortable with and what turns you on and off. If it's good, do it again and a little more. If it's bad, then talk about it openly and honestly. If you want to try it again in a different way, then discuss it prior to trying it. And again after. Before you ever actually have sex with somebody else, you should have been having lots of conversations and other experiences. Don't swing for the fences the first time. See what 1st, 2nd and 3rd bases are like first. The big thing about cheating is that it's cheating! It's dishonest, disrespectful, sneaky, and makes your partner feel inadequate or discarded. Swinging is none of those things. It's honest, full of communication and respect for your partner, open and upfront and it can make both partners feel very sexual and desirable. If it feels like cheating, it probably is. Swinging is the opposite of cheating. Never do anything behind the other one's back. Always respect your partner.
Women are always boss lol. Totally agree it's not just a big step for the woman it's massive for the men as well... If you can't make a difference between making love and just having sex then you can't swing end of.
If you think it may be"uncomfortable for the female" then the female clearly doesn't want to swing.... Why would only the female be worried about the man not coming home???? Let's face it, us women are great lol...I think it's the man who should be worried.....
Lynfa you rock girlfriend lol xox. Two women together - the men should be worried lol - jusy kidding Les - well maybe xo
Ha ha sssooooo true.... I'm now smiling on the train to work, which I can assure you doesn't happen very often lol