We would suggest that you behave...but damn it's still f***ing Mexico! Have a great time and see you two on the 11th! Jeff n Rhain
Okay, we just got back tonight (strange to have been naked on my balcony in Mexico this morning and back home on my couch in heavy pajamas now), and we had an absolute blast this past week. The first week of February crowd were some of the best. Those of you that are just heading down, be sure to find Rick & Faye (Legs2there) and Paul & Margaret (CornishPaul) as soon as you get there. They're awesome people! So many good memories of this past week. I'll try to post a full trip report very soon. I will say that one of the best moments, though, was when we managed to gather something like 17 people! from this website all together at once for tequila shots at the sexy pool bar. I'd post pictures, but considering almost everyone was topless by that point, I'd have to end up blurring out most of the picture! Can I just say though, that I am so grateful for Cancuncare.com and the way it brought us all together. Our trip would have been a totally different experience if we hadn't met so many great people here before we even got down to Temptations.
We leave Omaha in about 20hrs - and even though apparently I have not looked at Cancuncare since 2003 - I am glad I have been reading it the last couple weeks. It makes both of us even more anxious to arrive. We are only on site for 5 nites and I am already afraid that won't be long enough. Looking forward to talking to some of you personally.