Hey Girls - Our first visit to TTR 2/24-3/1..for this momentous occasion I was thinking about going for it and getting the Brazillian. I know lots of you out there have done it, but I'm really scared and am looking for encouragement and tips! I've heard there are different types (colors) of waxes, which is the best? Also, any tips on overcoming the pain...should I have a drink before hand? How long are you uncomfortable for? Also...while I'm there, should I do the underarms too? I don't feel like worrying about stubble at TTR! Let me know your opinions!:cheerleaders: PS..I'm not a waxing newbie...I've gotten my legs and eyebrows done before, neither were all that painful for me.
My suggestion is to make sure you go to someone who is VERY experienced in doing brazilians...you don't want any trouble afterwards. If I recall, the lady who I used to go to used a bluish wax, without the strips. The key is for you to assist, and make sure you hold the skin very taught for when they pull the wax off. You may be a bit tender for a day or so after, but if your esthetician knows what she's doing, it won't be too bad. You should avoid hot baths, or hot tubs for a day after. You could always try taking Tylenol/ Advil about an hour before, but I never bothered. I wouldn't suggest drinking before!!! And just remember, leave your inhibitions at the door...you will find yourself naked, and in positions that frankly are not the most flattering, but just know that your esthetician has seen it all before! lol BTW Laser hair removal, although more expensive per session I find is less painful, and lasts longer, so over time is well worth the money. GOOD LUCK!!!
I, too and considering doing this.... actually tomorrow or so. Will I be red and with raised bumps all over for a while? Any discomfort walking or sitting? I'm going to cancun March 10th-23rd.... and i hear the first time is the worst. So I'll get it done tomorrow or sometime this week, but how many days in advance should i do it before i leave? I dont wanna go with red irritated skin! haha.... looking like i have a disease! I'm so scared and I've seen the videos on youtube, but i will just drag my husband to hold my hand How long does it usually last? If I get it like 4 days before i leave..... would I have to shave again in cancun? I would need hair free bikini area for the 13 days i'm gone plus the few days before it. Does a brazilian include your crack? lol.... sorry just curious!
I have had mine done a couple of weeks ago for the first time, I will have it done again a few days before our departure. It wasn't that bad, it was more of a shock than anything else, I did not have a rash and I am still more or less smooth!! Yes the crack was included in the price HA HA! p.s. the wax was red! Hope that helps xx
I suggest starting the waxing process a few months before you go. Your hair grows at different stages. Just because they pull all the surface hair out there are other hairs that are growing that haven't broken the skin yet. Normaly when you first start waxing it only lasts a couple of weeks. Once you have waxed ALL the hair it normaly lasts about 6 weeks. I suggest going to someone that uses a "hard wax" meaning it's not pulled off with strips. Normaly a lot easier on the skin. Also suggest asking what brand they use prior, my personal favorite is Escentials wax. I have very sensitive skin and I have no issues with that system. I am a skin therapist so I have had the chance to use many kinds. I do not suggest Nufree (horrible stuff). Just be sure to ask a lot of questions, feel comfortable with the person doing the work. Make sure they use gloves, test the wax tempiture before touching you with it, don't double dip the applicator ( you don't want to know what could be growing in the wax if they have double dipped on women prior to you), and taking advil proir will help your skin be less irritated after ( not so much help the pain during) Good Luck girls!
Thank you all for your replies! I only have 24 days till we depart...and I have to wait another week for enough hair to grow in to get a good wax. I will definitely check the brand and will surely ask lots more questions to the astetician (not sure of the spelling). I think I found the right salon close to home...I'll get it done on a week and go back for a 'touch up' before we leave. Definitely gonna take the Advil!! Looking forward to a 'smooth' getaway! :wink3: