But where did you get this happy info? It's not on line anywhere. Would love if it were true. Please confirm your source.
Cancun is once again getting a nasty cloud. PLEASE let us know where you read/heard this. That linc above has comments on it that are so very hurtful and I would like for some news to throw in their faces. Why is this girl just calling them now and not at the hotel. I hate knowing only partial info. I rather be in the dark.
missing girl i know the link is terrible everyone bashing us the police cancun has enough problems when will that detroit news say shes ok?????they have not as of yet. tracy please fill us in thanks
I'm aware of Traceys source and it is an extremely reliable one. I guess for personal reasons Tracey doesnt feel comfortable divulging it publically but I'm sure the good news will hit the press very soon.
Thank you Steve. I am sitting here tapping my fingers for this. If she did leave on her own, I hope she gets what's coming to her.
It is a shame that neither of you will give it up. It would be great to get the good news out ASAP and I am sure a little traffic to the side would be nice as well. But what the heck, lets just wait while the rest of the world continues to bash Cancun.
Thanks Steve the good news is that there is no criminal circumstances involved in this minors diappearance.I can only imagine how worrying it is when a teenager from any family goes missing.Its great that she has made contact with her family , hopefully they will be reunited and whatever caused this girl to flee will be sorted out. The case has got nothing to do with Cancun as a place , these events happen in cities all over the world. If I felt Cancun was unsafe for young people I would not live here with my teenagers - but we do and we have a full and happy life. My thoughts are with Amy and her family and I wish them a happy ending to this event. Tracey
Tracey!!! Thanks for the good news. I can't wait for the people of Detroit, murder capitol of the world" hear the news as well. If you hear or see link to a story, please pass it on.
is she really ok? HOLA! im from the same school distirct as amy. Is she really ok? if she is can you send me a link so i can show the face book group http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#/group.php?gid=275165278961 she is all right and we can alll stop worrying THANKS!