So we are staying for almost 2 weeks..... and we've been reading posts of people who are sad they will miss the CC party on the 11th. We are putting together an UN-Official CancunCare party... and maybe if we get enough people, we can have a 2nd OFFICIAL Cancun Care party. If you have not yet put your dates on Greta's calendar, please do so! Based on the info as of today on the Calendar, it appears that the days with the most people are between the 12th and 14th. What I would like everyone to do is comment on this as to whether they will participate, what day works best for you, and how many guests they are bringing with them. It's no problem if you recruit people from your hotel but we just love meeting other CC'ers. I can't guarantee this party will even TOUCH how AWESOME the Official CancunCare party is(unless we get enough people, like I said, to have a 2nd one) but we will definitely still have a lot of fun! We can all meet up at Slices or we can meet at a club and party together one night! Thanks for your time everyone!!! Now get ready for Cancun 2010! Time of your lives baby!
great thank you!!! Any suggestions as to where? Meet up at slices? Party at the city/coco bongo? If we get like 30 people or so we can probably make it an "official CC party" and have it at Carlos n Charlies like all the others.