I have seen both really sexy and sexy, she shouldn't worry about anything. This year I bought a few more sexier dresses to wear. As you will hear a lot at Temptation nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit
I am dressing sexier and a bit over the top too (ordered from flirt too) but from what I've seen nothing is too sexy for TTR but I will also be wearing the outfits to dinner too so I don't have to pack a ton of different outfits. I figure it's the one place where you can be a little crazier and no one cares or judges.
Christen doesn't have all of them, alot of them are too big...:cry: I have actually been sweeping the corners of her collection and getting them to make me discontinued items lately, the ones that got away. I have a freakin problem man! Oh well, there are worse problems to have.
I need Feb to get here. Being a tent guy in NH in January is pretty boring. I get startled when the phone rings. On the upside I will be well rested when I put on the party hat.
MK is almost a model for model copy of WW stuff. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flatery. MS started out that way but changed very quickly into its own brand with a large lineup all its own. Both are American Companies which is nice. At the same time there are only so many ways to make six square inches of fabric different. Not knocking just saying...