Don't know if you can even imagine the kind of good time we can have:wink3: Maybe be trying a little different schedule next year.
I'd be willing to be shoved into a suitcase at this point. The baggage compartment can't be this cold. Save a few Miami Vices for us down there. The idea of drinking a frozen drink sounds crazy....until I think of the palm trees and looking over the pool at TTR.
We were looking at that weekend originally but it didn't work for our babysitters schedule:cry:, as it is, it does look like we are going to have a great group there when we are there. Going to have to try a little later in Feb next year, bummer about that is that the later we go next year, the longer it is until our return trip.
Save some good seats by the sexy pool, we will be there on the 11th. Get some pics up so we know who to look for :aktion030:
Okay, got a pic of us up in my profile. It's from a Vampire Prom we went to here in Austin last year.