Does anyone have a packing list to share? Besides the obvious (bathing suits, shorts....), maybe things that you have forgotten and had to either purchase at the resort or go out to Walmart and get once you were there? I remember forgetting fingernail clippers of all things and had to go buy a pair.
things to forget laptops and swim suit tops I try not to sweat the small stuff (its all small stuff) but bandaids and firstaid items are a good idea also make sure your cell phone works in the great sandy south
I pack 4 or 5 large (2.5 gallon) ziplock bags. Things are never dry when it's time to pack for going home. Plus you will have plenty of shirts/tops that get all kinds of stinky/sticky drinks (or other things :lol: ) spilled on them. It is nice to have a way to contain the moisture and the smell. :cdncat:
Sun screen, gifts for the staff, possibly an insulated cup, camera, passport and a bunch of one dollar bills.......for tips or the occasional free-lance pole dancer Marsh
Tips for pole dancing...I knew i forgot something...LMAO!!... Don't forget the Imodium for when things start to go south if you know what i mean..LOL... :lol:
A bleach pen and stain stick. I am always getting spots on my favorite white (anything that is white it seems). and if you are a smoker a butt cup.