Okay all..... I was looking at some pics the other day of some of the "games" at Temptations. I could have sworn I saw a guy with a major boner. lol Okay, I must admit I felt like a girl in high school, because I started giggling, but does that happen quite often? And is it okay? If my husband is feeling amorous with me, which is quite often(and mutually I might add) he pops one real quick. Most of the time it is when I am cooking or doing something not even sexual. I can only imagine what will happen when I am close to naked and are playing games with each other involving sexual positions and such. Does anyone have any funny stories to tell about that and how they "handled" it. (pardon the pun) Jemma
I remember last May. I joined in a Music triva game It was guy against the girls. Guys lose... The next thing i know the losing side has to give i girls lap dances for losing... The young lady i was to give a lap dance to was very Sexy like yourself. I have to admit things came to life at that moment. I quickly entertained her and jumped in the pool to say COOL off... . But had to get back out because i won for best lap dance... :lol:
That is funny icecube. I can only imagine. Also, I heard that if baseball is too exciting for you, try to think of all the past presidents in your head. That'll kill it for ya.
OK.. a couple of years ago they still had Anything Goes going on with the women's legs contest in the middle of it. It was after the guys gave up their pants. Well one guy was going commando so after giving up his shirt and pants, well he was naked. Of course Mario picked him as a judge for the legs contest. So there he was, naked on the little stool with his hands behind his back. Every lady in the contest tried their best to get him to stand up. But in between each dancer he re-adjusted to pull it between his legs so not to poke any eyes out. He succeeded in going through the entire contest, all three rounds, without saluting. Asked him his secret afterwards and he told me dead dogs and his mother naked. Hence the post above.... Jamie
You know, I have wondered this myself. However, it could be considered the ultimate "compliment" to the woman involved LOL!